Santa Muerte |
The veneration of Santa Muerte is part of Mexical-Latino folk Catholic practice. Her influence, however, has moved to areas in the USA with Hispanic populations--including the Eastern Shore Delmar area, which is where Myth purchased the concha sweet bread and two candles on the little ofrenda she set up.
These were the prayers on the back of Santa Muerte's candles on the altar. Myth does not have a proper translation of the prayer that was orginally on the bottle of the candle.
La Oracion a la Santa Muerte
Santa Muerte Protectora Y Bendita: Por la virtud que Dios te dio: quero que me libres de todos los maleficios
y peligros y enferme-dades y que en cambio me des: suerte, felicidad y dinero, que me des amigos y me libres de
mis enemigos. Santisima Muerte y Doņa, yo te suplico encarecidamente que asI como te formu Dios inmortal
con tu grande poder sobre todos los mortales hasta ponerles en la esfera celste donde gozaremos un glorioso
dia sin noche por toda la eternidad. (se rezan Tres Padres Nuestros)
Prayer of the Santa Muerte
Blessed Protector Saint Death: By the virtues that God gave you, I ask that you free me from all evil, danger,
and sickness, and that instead you give me luck, happiness, and money, that you give me friends and liberate me
from my enemies. Lady Holy Death, I plead to you lovingly inasmuch as Immortal God formed you with you
great power over all mortals so that you might place them in the celestial sphere where were may enjoy a glorious
day without night for all eternity. (recite Three Our Fathers)
2009 Samhain Photos
2007 Samhain Photos
2008 Samhain Photos
Santa Muerte
Santa Muerte 2009