Charms and Sacred Jewelry: Moon Pendant

Moon Face, front of pendant Cat, back of pendant
Moon Pendant, side 1
The lovely face of Diana as the full moon adorns the front of this modern pendant. This beautiful pendant was purchased from Somewhere Beyond Coin Mint. The company sells many fine pendants, including historical recreation and fantasy items. for information write for their catalogue: Heinen Family, PO Box 401, Windermere, Fl. 34786. Email:

Photo by Snook Family Photography

Deity Images: Diana
Goddesses Dictionary: Diana

Moon Pendant, side 2
The obverse shows Diana in her cat form. In Leland's Aradia, Diana transforms into a cat.

Photo by Snook Family Photography

ABC of Aradia: Cat
Dianic Creation Myth
Quotable Quotes: Cassell's Description

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