Mamma, our mother,
who is the Star Goddess, queen of the cosmos,
who dances in the heavens,
gentrix of life,
holy are our names.
Your will be fulfilled
among humans
as it is in nature.
You blessed us today
with your holy feast
and gave us warmth and rest.
From you all things proceed
and to you they return again,
and to you they return again.
All began in your love;
all seeks to return in love.
Love is the law,
the great revealer of
the mysteries of death and birth.
In you is the fulfillment of love
for ever and ever.
Blessed be!

(Yes, I know this page is not significant Wiccan history, but it does involve my personal history and spiritual growth.)

Commentary: I recently refound this poem I wrote way back in 1981. I had purchased and read Margot Adler's Drawing Down the Moon (1979) and Starhawk's The Spiral Dance (1979). The concept of a magickal religion involving worship of pre-Christian deities was something I had long been interested in... and I had discovered there were others who felt the same. (My fiancee did.) He and I did not actually succeed in connecting with the local Neo-Pagan community until sometime in 1984.

I know the above isn't great poetry, but it was part of the beginning. --Myth Woodling, 2021

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