Collected Invocations

Viking Earth Mother Invocation
Hale be thou, Earth, Mother of us all!
Fruitful be thou in the arms of the god.
Be filled with thy fruit for the fair-need of all!

Hal wes thu, folde, fira modor,
beo thu growende on godes faethme;
fodre gefylled firum to nytte.

Icelandic Elven
Let them come who wish to come,
And let them go who wish to go,
And do not harm to me or mine.
--Ancient Icelandic Invitation Formula for the Elvenfolk
(The above invocation came off "Leonid Korablev's webpage" Korablev is an artist who works wth a lot of Tolkien themes. I don't know how to contact him, so I don't know what Ancient Icelandic source he got it from.)

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