Ethics: The Frosts and Issues with Chapter IV "Initiation and Fertility Services"

An article written by Rob of Rob's Magick Blog focuses on an important problem, with succinct, and well considered arguments. I would post the whole article here, but I have not recieved permission from him to do so. Therefore, I am posting the following link: Rob, The Frosts – Pedophiles in our Midst, Rob's Magick Blog, Monday, February 28th, 2011, accessed 1/13/13. I urge Wiccans and other Neo-Pagans to read it.

This article discusses a particular book by Gavin Frost and Yvonne Frost, The Witch's Bible, orginally published in 1972. The same material was re-published under the title, Good Witch's Bible, in a revised edition in 1999. Rob wrote:

To start Gavin and Yvonne Frost have stated that they will sue anyone for libel who makes false accusations about them (and I’m assuming that this is in regards to their spiritual pedophilia). So for full disclosure I will say that I have no evidence that either of them have ever committed a sexual crime. If I did I would be calling the FBI right now. What I do have, and why I consider them pedophiles, is a book authored by both Gavin and Yvonne Frost entitled the Witch’s Bible, and particularly the initiation ritual within that book...
Rob's article addresses various instructions in the chapter titled, "Initiation and Fertility Services," which suggests that intiation into a sexually active adult group can take place, "When a child develops to a stage where the physical attributes of reproduction are present..."

For example, the ritual preparation of a female novice involves two wooden phalli.

Table 5 (Instructions for Female Novice) begins thus:

You have been entrusted with two phalli; these are in our care until your initiation. We would like you to be initiated at the next coven meeting, which will take place on ... This means that, excluding your menstruation time, you have three weeks to prepare your muscles for introitus. Your father or your sponsor will help you if you have any difficulties or pain.You may have to delay your initiation, but there is plenty of time and no need to hurry. These are important development phases. Relax and take your time. You have no hymen; there is no restriction except the vaginal muscles.
The wooden phalli are basically dildos which the female novice is supposed to use to physically strengthen her muscles in order to participate in sexual activities within the adults in the Frostian coven rituals.

To say that the Frost's bible is "the most controversial book involving 'wicca' ever written" is no exageration.

Rob wrote:

In 1999 (over twenty years after the book was first published) the Frosts added an introduction to this chapter, that among other things said that people shouldn’t be initiated in this way until they were 18. The actual disclaimer read "This chapter describes some of the more controversial practices of the old path taught in the earliest days of the Church and School of Wicca. No formal initiation into a group that practices the great rite should be done before the candidate attains the age of eighteen." Despite the fact that there is now a disclaimer, this ritual for children entering puberty was espoused by the Frosts in their book for over twenty years, and the disclaimer itself states that it was a practice taught in the early days of the Church of Wicca. The initiation ritual itself remains unchanged.
I have no problem with what sexual activities consenting adults engage in with each other. I do have a problem with adults having "children" involved in sexual activities which are described in the Frost's book.

Rob wrote:

The Frosts claim they teach sex magic, and that’s what people take issue with, and never bring up the fact that they encouraged the sexual initiation of children. They describe a ritual they did between consenting adults, and state that they couldn’t get away with such a ritual today because of the rumor mill and people trying to regulate consensual sex among adult Wiccans.
I agree with "Rob" that instructions encouraging the sexual initiation of children is wrong on entirely too many levels. That is because any adult who engages in sexual activity with an individual below the age of concent is performing a criminal act as well as an immoral one. Rob is right, "...the ritual is appalling."

Furthermore any adult teacher, councilor, religious elder, caregiver, person of authority, etc who engages in sexual activity with an individual below the age 18 is performing an immoral and illegal act.

In my opinion, Rob has precisely identified a key problem with this book:

Every time a Christian fanatic wants to call us all child molesters, the Frosts have given them a book they can point to. A book written by a pair that claim to be the founders of Wicca, who are regarded by many as elders, who are respected in the community, and who are positioning themselves in a place of power and authority within the national and international communities.
In his article, Rob provided nine measures that Wiccans, and others in the Neo-Pagan community, could take to express our objections and disapproval of this ritual as written. I urge folks to read his article.


Rob, The Frosts – Pedophiles in our Midst, Rob's Magick Blog, Monday, February 28th, 2011, accessed 1/13/13.

The Frost's ritual, and the 1999 introduction, are available in their entirety at this website.

Pendragon, Pendragon: 'Good Witch's Bible' by Gavin Frost and Yvonne Frost, accessed 1/13/13.

I'd like to add some notes to illuminate terminology.

The term, "pedophilia," has commonly been used to refer to any sexual interest feelings by an adult (pedophile) directed towards minors below the legal age of consent. The terms,"hebephilia" and "ephebophilia" are unknown to many people.

A "pedophile" is defined as an adult who has sexual interest and engages in sexual activity with a pre-pubescent child or children (generally age 13 or younger).

A "hebephile" is defined as an adult who has sexual interest and engages in sexual activity with pubescent children (generally age 11 to 14 years).

An "ephebophile" is defined as an adult who has a primary or exclusive sexual interest and engages in sexual activity with pubescent or post-pubescent teenagers (generally age 15 to 19 years), aka mid-to-late adolescents.

Myth Woodling 2012