East | South | West | North |
air | fire | water | earth |
gas | lightning | liquid | solid |
mental | will | emotion | stability |
communication | action | healing | protection |
idea | manifestation | intuition | natural law |
birth | growth | maturity | death-rebirth |
intellect | fervor | mystery | answer |
planting | working | harvesting | reaping |
seed | blossom | fruit | rest/fallow |
potential | action | flowing | strength |
breezes | flames | rivers | mountains |
beginning | transformation | shaping | anchoring |
chooses | changes | washes | patience |
opportunity | vitality | belief | wisdom |
creative | energetic | sensitive | persevering |
versatile | directs | retains | practices |
mind | soul | womb | body |
sweet | passionate | dedicated | conservative |
logical | thoughtless | divination | practical |
philosophizes | humanizes | hamonizes | serves |
sprouting | maturing | ending | rebirth |
thought | activity | nourishing | promise |
need | desire | love | hope |
insubstantial | purifying | spiritual | material |
child | youth | adult | elder |
maid/nypmph | bride/hunter | mother/father | crone/shadow |
sound | hearing | clairaudiance | silence |
incense | candle | cup | pentacle |
wand | athame/sword | cauldron | salt |
sylph | salamander | undine | gnome |
butterfly | dragon | sea serpent | cow/bull |
bird | lion | fish | snake |
Eostre | Litha | Mabon | Yule |
Imbolc | Beltane | Lughnasadh | Samhain |
apple | oak | willow | holly |
myrtle | ash | cypress | yew |
dogwood | hawthorn | alder | pine |
Mercury | Jupiter | Neptune | Saturn/Pluto |
Uranus | Mars/Sun | Venus/Moon | Earth |
Gemini | Saggitarius | Pisces | Capricorn |
Aquarius | Leo | Cancer | Virgo |
Libra | Aries | Scorpit | Taurus |
dawn | noon | twilight | night |
breath | spirit | sap/blood | body |
winds | bonfires | ocean | caves |
violet | rose | chrysanthmum | mistletoe |
daffodils | marigolds | lilly | berries |
pastel colors | bold colors | sea colors | earth colors |
topaz | ruby | aquamarine | hematite |
amber | emerald | amethyst | rock crystal |
vervain | honeysuckle | lotus | grain |
viloet | patchuli | sandalwood | bayberry |
postive | active | receptive | passive |
These lists of correspondences are based loosely upon "The Table of Correspondences" in Starhawk's The Spiral Dance, 1979, pp 201-203.
If you read across, or up and down, you will note this table of correspondences chart reads like a word association list in a psychology exercise.
Lady G. encouraged her students to assemble correspondences of the elements in a lists such as this and provided one as an example.
Indeed, it is similar to the exercise for balancing the four magical essences or balancing the elements.
I pass on this chart which I put together in 1985 as an example to you. Certainly you will create your own as you learn and understand more.