Spirit Center Fund

Our Vision

In 1990, Isaac Bonewitz, Arch Druid of ADF, came to speak at the Baltimore Universalist Church, in downtown Baltimore, as the guest of Free Spirit Alliance. When Myth and Thoron Woodling picked him up at Baltimore's Penn Central Station, we chatted about a number subjects. He asked us if FSA, or anyone in the Maryland Pagan community, had plans for a community center. We explained it was a hot subject and many people were opposed to it on the grounds that maintaining such a center would be difficult, time consuming and expensive. Some Pagans had expressed concern that the ongoing cost would slowly bleed us dry.

Thoron responded to Isaac that the project would be difficult, but would be workable if properly managed.

Isaac said to us, "I think you should just put a box out at your next event that says Community Center Fund and see if anybody puts any money in it."

Myth said, "Nooo--" adding, "I don't think anyone would like that, because the concept has been alternatively voted down or tabled at different points."

Isaac shrugged and said, "Well, it's something to think about for the future."

Any project can be a lot of work. That doesn't mean the project is not worthwhile. Any project can be doomed to failure. That doesn't mean it will fail or that it cannot be successfully managed.

This is our inspiration and this is the reason for attempting to raise funds for Spirit Center. We're setting the donation box out.

--Thoron & Myth Woodling

May the Spirit Bird help our Spirit Center's nest egg grow.

Spirit Center
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