Don's Quick Reference to
Properties of Containers, Objects, Breaks

Copyright 2005 Don Woods

<a></a> Anchor or Link container
href points to destination of link
name assigns a name to a specific location on a page

<body></body> Body section container
bgcolor sets background color of entire page

<font></font> Font container
color sets color of text
size sets size of text--1 for smallest, 8 for largest

<form></form> Form container
action points to destination where form data will be sent
method determines whether get or post will be used to send data
name identifies specific form on page with multiple forms

<frame> Frame object
name identifies object
src points to source file of page or image to be inserted in frame

<frameset></frameset> Frameset container
bordercolor sets color of border between frames
bordersize sets size of border between frames
cols sets width of each frame
frameborder determines whether borders appear between frames
rows sets length of each frame

<h1></h1> Headline container
align sets page alignment (left, right, center)

<hidden> Hidden object
name identifies object
value stores text or number inside object

<img> Image object
alt sets label to display when pointer is over image
length sets length of image in picas
name identifies object (for access by scripts)
src points to source file of image
width sets width of image in picas

<input> Input object
checked sets default value of check box or radio button
name identifies object
onChange identifies function to call when value changes
onClick identifies function to call when object is clicked
size sets length of object in picas
type determines type of input object
value stores text or number inside object

<meta> Meta object
content is information stored by meta object
name identifies the type of information stored by the content property

<option> Option object
value stores text or number inside object

<p> Paragraph break
align sets page alignment of text following break (left, right, center)

<select></select Selection list box
name identifies object
size sets the number of rows displayed in selection list box

<table></table> Table container
align sets page alignment (left, right, center)
border sets thickness of border around table
cellpadding sets thickness of space around text within cells
cellspacing sets thickness of space between cells

<td></td> Table data container
align sets alignment of contents within cell (left, right, center)

<textarea></textarea> Text area container
cols sets the length, in picas
name identifies the text area
rows sets the number of rows displayed

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