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Gator Recipes (Alligator mississippiensis)

\par \par Louisiana Alligator\par \par Ingredients\par

\par 12 oz Alligator tail, pounded thin
\par 8 oz Boudin sausage or Cajun link
\par 2 oz Flour, seasoned salt/pepper
\par 2 oz Cooking oil or clarified butter
\par 1 oz Bourbon whiskey
\par 4 oz Heavy cream
\par 16 oz Corn cake batter
\par 12 oz Louisiana Compound Butter
\par 4 oz Green onion, thin sliced\par

\par Pound alligator into 12 one-ounce medallions. Heat saucepan with oil. Lightly dredge medallions in flour and saut\'e9 in hot pan for \par 10 seconds on each side. Remove from pan and hold on heated plate. Slice sausage into thin pieces and place in saucepan. Cook for 1 minute, add bourbon and flame. Add compound butter and melt it while swirling pan. Add cream and whip until smooth.\par

\par Make 8 three-inch cornmeal cakes on griddle.\par

\par On heated plate, put corn cakes in middle. Put cooked alligator on corn cakes and ladle 3 oz sauce with sausage over all. \par Sprinkle with sliced green onions for garnish. \par \par

\par Fried Alligator\par

\par Ingredients\par

\par 2 lb Alligator; sliced into strips
\par Flour
\par Red pepper; to taste
\par Black pepper; to taste
\par Garlic powder; to taste
\par Onion Powder; to taste

\par Roll the gator in the flour and deep fry until it is golden brown.\par

\par \par Barbecued Alligator Tail\par

\par Ingredients\par

\par 4 Alligator tail steaks, about 3/4" thick
\par Milk for marinade
\par 1/2 tsp fresh ground black pepper
\par 1/4 tsp Cayenne pepper
\par 1 tbs Rosemary
\par Red pepper flakes\par

\par Place milk in a deep bowl, add pepper flakes and rosemary. Season meat with black and cayenne peppers. Place meat in the \par bowl, add milk as needed to cover. Let marinate 3-4 hours.\par

\par Remove meat from marinade, discard marinade. Pat the meat dry. Re-season the meat, if desired, with black and red peppers. \par Add salt to taste, if desired.\par

\par Brush meat with olive oil to reduce sticking, and grill over hot coals, or over medium heat in a gas grill for about 10 minutes each side, brushing with oil again when turning. \par

\tab\par Alligator Jambalaya\par

\par Ingredients\par

\par 1 lb marinated alligator fillet cut into small pieces
\par 1 lb hot sausage (Italian) cut into chunks
\par 3 tbs oil
\par 2/3 cup bell peppers chopped
\par 2 clove garlic crushed
\par 1 cup chopped fresh parsley
\par 1 cup chopped celery
\par 2 can tomatoes (16 oz each)
\par 2 cup chicken stock (2 pkg chicken cube mix + water also works)
\par 1 cup green onion
\par 2 tsp oregano
\par 2 dash red hot sauce (optional)
\par Cajun spices to taste
\par Salt to taste
\par 2 cups raw white rice\par

\par In deep frying pan (cast iron preferably) saut\'e9 the bell pepper, garlic, parsley and celery. While this is cooking, add tomatoes \par & their liquid, the chicken stock & green onion to a pot that can cook on the stove and in the oven (Corningware ) Stir in spices, saut\'e9ed vegetables raw rice, sausage and alligator fillet pieces. Cook on medium-high heat until liquid is absorbed (stir occasionally to make sure rice doesn't burn on bottom) and then bake covered in the oven for 25 minutes.\par

\par \pard\sb100\sa100 Source: \par Alligator Recipes, Wild Game Recipes\f0\fs20\par \pard\par

\par Recipes
\par "That Hoodoo..." home page\par \par \par \par \par }