Los Dias de Muertos Photos

On November 1, 2008, a special exhibition was held at the
National Museum of the American Indian for Los Dias de
Muertos, the Days of the Dead. Cooking demonstrations of food
traditionally associated with the holiday was part of the exhibition.
There were many examples of beautiful offrendas set up at the National Museum of the American Indian. Offrenda 1.
Offrenda 2 was set up in the main hall.
Detail of offrenda 2. Notice the marigold flowers on the arch along with dried corn and bananas. Traditional pan de muertos, shaped like people, and Pepsi cola, obviously a favorite drink, are on the altar.
Detail of offenda 2. Notice the photogaphs on top, the brightly decorated paper machiere skull, as well as several bottled beverages.
Detail of offrenda 2. A skeleton couple are festively attired for the holiday. There are two large, colorful paper machiere skulls and lots of candles.
Detail of offrenda 2. A small paper machierre skull is near the large one. The photos on the top are visible from a different angle. Notice the offerings of fruit.
Offrenda 3.
Another angle of offrenda 1. Other side of offrenda 1.
Notice the offering of chili peppers.

Graveside offrenda (October 2009)
More offerings were on the other side with the name.
La Cantrina festively attired for the holiday
at the museum.

Los Dias de Muertos