To Make a Wish Come True

Draw the sign of the waxing Moon with a thorn onto a short, fat beeswax candle (a white votive candle is perfect). Light the candle, gaze into the flame, and concentrate on your wish as you chant:
Gracious Lady Moon,
Ever in my sight,
Kindly grant the boon
I ask of thee tonight.
Blow out the flame but hold its light in your mind for as long as you can. An answer will be revealed to you.

Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard, 2004, page 202

Myth's Notes

Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, co-founder of the Church of All Worlds and venerable elder in the Neo-Pagan/Magickal community, has written a remarkable book, Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard. The book covers infinitely diverse subjects, such as auras, camping out, magical herb gardening, ritual structure, ethics, and spellcraft. Amazingly, he has packed almost 30 years of distilled wisdom into this wonderful grimoire. I urge anyone interested in the Neo-Pagan/Wiccan/Magickal community to purchase and read this book. Above is one manifestation spell from the book's "Spellcraft" section. The epithet, "Gracious Lady Moon," was sometimes applied to Aradia, which makes this relevant to this particular website.

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