The creators of this web site find these lunar images beautiful and have exhibited them on this web site focused on the Lunar Goddess Aradia with permission from Goddess Creative Designs. Prices listed here are good through December 31, 2005.
The Aradia Goddess web site receives no financial compensation for providing the link to Goddess Creative Designs and information about their products. We are grateful, however, for free use of of their images here. We remind you that Goddess Creative Designs has many other art rubber stamps as well as stencils which you may be interested in.
Goddess Symbol Maiden-Mother-Crone Waxing, Full, Waning Moon 1.5 inches height x 2.25 inches width #XG29 $7.80 |
Triple Goddess Robert Graves proposed the concept of the Goddess in Triad, Maiden-Mother-Crone or Maiden-Nymph-Crone, which has been embraced by Wicca. The ancients did recognize some lunar goddesses in triad, Diana-Luna-Proserpine for example. 2.75 inches height x 2 inches width #XG28 $10.20 |
Myth's Notes:
One modern Wiccan triad of lunar goddesses is Aradia (Maiden), Diana (Mother), Hecate (Crone).