Attract Money Charm, and a Wiccan Dianic-Aradian Ritual

I. Preparation

Assemble your items. Gather some strong red thread, a whole nutmeg, and a paper money bill. Drill a hole through the nutmeg. You will also need sewing scissors or something to cut the thread.

On one of the nights of the waxing moon, set up your altar with two white candles, one for Aradia and one for Diana. A third candle, red, white, or yellow, will represent the sacred fire. If necessary, other candles may be used for illumination. If you are outside, all candles will have to be in glass chimneys to protect them from being blown out. Don't forget the matches. Representations of the other three elements, feather for air, bowl of spring water for water, stone for earth, should also be arranged on the altar. A cup or goblet of wine or juice to salute the Goddess should be on the altar as well. If you are inside, you will need a shallow dish to catch the libations. This libation bowl or dish may have stones, sand, or potting soil in it, or it may be empty. If you would like incense, vervain would be suitable, as would any scent associated with Diana or Aradia. Incense is not required for this ritual. If you prefer, the incense could stand as a representative of the element of air.

II. Set aside sacred space

Cast a circle and call the four elements in your usual manner. Otherwise simply visualize a circle of protective light forming around you, as you say:

By the air of the winds at night,
By the fire of the home's hearth,
By the water of the lake reflecting moonlight,
By the stones and trees of the ancient mountains,
By Dea della stella, this circle is cast.
Light the two white candles, saying:
Hail Aradia! Hail Diana!
Light the third candle, saying:
Blessed be, creatures of fire, flames of Vesta-Diana.
Light any other candles you need for illumination.

III. Invoke Deity

Use an invocation suitable for the purpose of making a prosperity charm, such as the one below.

Hail Diana, mystery of the white moon among the stars, by growth and light and sprouting green, I invoke you; Hail Aradia, daughter of Diana, secret queen of witches; Hail and welcome.
IV. Make Magic Charm

The ideal time to make this charm is under a waxing moon. Thread the hole in the nutmeg with the red thread three times. Fold the bill accordian-style, very small, and tie it to the nutmeg with the thread, again wrapping it three times.

V. Bless the Charm

The power of focused will while making it can bless this charm, but a verbal blessing, such as below, may be spoken:

Blessed be, fragrant nutmeg. As this red thread drew this money to you, nutmeg, draw more money to me. By the increasing power of the moon, by the power of Aradia, by the power of three, draw to me money.

O Diana of the heavens and earth, you are the pillar of life whose breasts are as many as dates upon a green tree. Let me have no want. Let me have enough. So mote it be.

VI. Charge and Bind the Spell

Cup your hands around the charm without touching it. Visualize a spark of light between your palms. Will this light to permeate the charm, empowering it. Visualize your purse full of money, and your bank account with a significant surplus balance. Feed energy into the sphere of light, so that the charm is strong.

Trace a pentangle, the endless knot, in the air over the charm to bind the spell fast.

VII. Thanksgiving to Deity

You may wish to enact the simple feast with juice and bread. If you prefer, you may simply salute the Goddesses with wine or juice:

Diana and Aradia, beautiful ones, in your honor I spill two libations. In celebration of you, I drain the goblet deep.
If you are outside, pour two offerings of liquid on the ground. If you are inside, pour the liquid into the libation bowl, which may be emptied outside later. Drink the rest of the juice or wine.

Thank you, lovely Goddesses of the moon, for your gifts, for your magic, for your presense here.

VIII. Return to Mundane Space

Bid farewell to the four elements and erase the circle in your usual manner. Otherwise, simply visualize the ring of light fading away while saying:

By the air of Diana's ride upon the winds,
By the fire of Diana's hearth,
By the water of Diana's reflective lake,
By the stones and green trees of Diana's mountains,
By the Goddess of the moon and stars, this circle is erased.
The charm should be kept in your purse, which you may annoint with a "Money Drawing" oil. To protect the charm, you could bind it in a small, red bag and renew the oil every new moon.

Myth's Notes

The Wiccan Dianic-Aradian Ritual was wholly modern, created with very clear directions written in an outline form. These directions describe the basic steps of a simple, solitary, Wiccan ritual: preparation, creating sacred space, invoking deity, thanksgiving to deity, and return to mundane space. Almost all Wiccan rituals contain these steps in one form or another.

Section IV, however, was composed of an old Southern Hoodoo spell, which I collected sometime in the late 1980's or early 1990's. During this period, I wrote down anything that caught my fancy from sundry folklore articles and books. This Hoodoo charm is simple folk magic.

Hoodoo, which has a number of names, like its cousin, Voodoo/Vodou, is an amalgamation of African and European practices. Unlike Voodoo, however, the practice of magic in Hoodoo became divorced from the worship of spirits or other religious practices. The various African peoples who were brought to this side of the Atlantic from their homeland, had a large body of botanical healing and magical folklore. The knowledge and folklore came with them, but the plants did not. Hence, the Africans applied their knowledge to the indigenous plants as well as herbs and spices imported by the European colonists.

Whole nutmegs, for example, were often used to "draw" or "attract" something to the practitioner. Nutmegs were carried for general good luck. In the U.S. South, a gambler carried a special nutmeg to attract winnings. The gambler's nutmeg had a small hollow drilled in it, which was filled with mercury and sealed with wax. Nutmeg was even an ingredient in some European love charms in order to attract a person of the opposite gender.

Red was also a powerful color in Southern Hoodoo magic and was also used in Appalacian folk magic. (Interestingly, red represented good fortune in Italian folk magic.)

Folk magic is a well worn path, trod by many unknown practitioners before you. Because of that fact, the simplest charms and folk spells can have significant power and impact.

Nevertheless, many Wiccans who do use folk magic may desire to employ it in a religious Wiccan context, invoking deities.

I have attached this simple Hoodoo charm to a Dianic-Aradian ritual to illustrate how old folk magic can be employed in a Wiccan context.

Diana and Aradia were both lunar Goddesses. As such, they were linked to monetary gain through the waxing of the silver moon. Likewise, Diana could be linked to green money through the green abundance of her trees. In her aspect as Diana of Ephesus, she was a many-breasted mother nature Goddess, and some scholars have speculated that her image originally represented a date tree.

The object of the Wiccan blessing of the nutmeg charm was to "Let me have no want. Let me have enough." The practitioner's goal, therefore, was to escape existing simply from paycheck to paycheck, barely making ends meet, and to build up a surplus for a rainy day.

Once made, the charm will resonate on two levels. On the metaphysical level, it will call to the universe to draw prosperity to the practitioner. Since the deities Diana and Aradia were invoked, they will assist this attraction of prosperity. On the psychological level, as it is placed in the purse, it will serve as a frequent reminder to the practitioner that she wishes to "have enough" and to spend the money she does have wisely.

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