
Silver RavenWolf in The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation Solitary Witch, 2003 (p. 154) wrote:
The type of ingredient is up to you--herbs, oils, tiny gems, a magnet, spells written on parchment, small clay amulets or talismans, and a taglock are just a few ideas. Ingredients should be chosen to match your desire.

Once the ingredients are mixed in a magick circle an empowered for a specific purpose, they are dropped or poured into the bottle. The entire bottle is then "conjured" (empowered) and the contents mixed by a slow, swirling motion while visualizing your intent. Pass your wand, athame, or hands over the top of the bottle or jar, and say:
		In the name of Aradia,
		Queen of the Witches,
		I conjure thee, O magick bottle,
		to be of service to me.

She also suggested tapping the bottle once for each ingredient. To complete the magic, the person should state aloud an affirmation of her or his intent, bind the spell and seal the bottle with hot wax.

Silver RavenWolf is the author of several interesting books on Witchcraft, Wicca, and magic. Her Solitary Witch, quoted above, is quite voluminous, but contains only one spell mentioning Aradia, Queen of the Witches. Nevertheless, Silver RavenWolf's Solitary Witch does contain much information of use to the solitary practitioner.

Myth's notes:

Traditionally the witch-bottle was used as a protective charm against any evil directed toward an individual. Doreen Valiente, in her ABC of Witchcraft, Past and Present, 1973, 1984, discussed the witch-bottles in her section about Bellarmine jugs: "They have often been unearthed from the ruins of old English houses dating from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, in circumstances which point to their connection with witchcraft....The bottle was well sealed up and then buried in some secret place, or thrown into a river or ditch." (p. 38) Apparently English witches found the Bellarmine jugs with their greybeard faces to be particularly appropriate containers for use as protective charms to banish malefica.

Raymond Buckland in The Witch Book, the Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca, and Neo-paganism, 2002, discussed the contents of a traditional witch-bottle and how to create this charm. According to Buckland, the bottle should be filled "with sharp objects" (p. 525): such as mirror shards, broken glass, pins, bent nails, screws, etc. The person desiring protection would then add her or his own urine and the witch-bottle would be then closed tightly and sealed with wax. To complete the protective charm, the witch-bottle was buried where it would not be disturbed.

Some modern Wiccans use this magic-in-a-bottle technique to create spells other than protective charms. For example, a bottle could hold a charm to always guarantee one would have enough money.

During a full moon, fill a bottle with salt, flour, and three white coins. Call upon Aradia, as above, and seal the container with white wax. To affirm the spell, state aloud the following lines from Leland's Aradia:

		Moon, Moon, beautiful Moon,
		Fairer far than any star
		Moon, O Moon, if it may be
		Bring good fortune unto me!
Be certain to charge and bind the spell. Bury the bottle in some secret place.

Wicca: Historical Witch Bottle
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