Love Bath

You will need to acquire roses that have not been sprayed with pesticides or have been grown organically.


Gently wash the rose petals before use. Bind all the petals tightly in a white linen or cotton cloth. Use the red yarn, ribbon, or string to bind the packet. (Cheese cloth serves this purpose admirably.) Fill your bathtub with warm water. Toss in the tied packet of rose petals, rose water, and drops of oil.

Set the two candles in a safe location near your bathtub. Make certain they are away from hanging towels or other fire hazzards. Light the candles. If possible, dim or turn off the lights. Soak in the tub, savoring the scent. Rub the packet of petals slowly all over your body. Visualize yourself bathed in the essence of beauty and love.

White roses symbolize purity, spiritual love, and the moon. Red roses symbolize passion, romantic love, and blooming health. Both represent beauty.

Roses are also associated with Venus, Isis, and Diana.

Thus you may invoke any of the above Goddesses, requesting to bring love and beauty into your life. Be sure to soak for about 10 minutes, visualizing love and romance entering your life.

There is a Sicilian tradition of praying to "Santa Teresa" while taking a love bath. According to the tradtion, one should repeat this bath daily for nine days. One should also pray the novena to St. Teresa along with the prayers which accompany it.

If you are allergic to roses, do not perform this bath ritual. You will gain nothing by sitting in water infused with something that makes your nose run, eyes water, and/or skin itch.

Myth's Notes

If you have oily skin, forgo the drops of rose oil and add a half cup of witch hazel.

Roses, incidentally, are also associated with numerous Goddesses, includ Mari and Aradia.

Praying to Saints and Folk Magic: Santa Teresa
Milk Bath

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